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This article is about the playable character Aubrey. For the enemy, see: Aubrey (enemy).

age Headspace - 12
Real World - 16
birthday May 23
gender Female
location Neighbor's Room
role Deuteragonist

Aubrey is one of the three main deuteragonists in OMORI that can join the player's party. When Aubrey is tagged, she can smash obstacles with a bat.


HP.png *****
MP.png **
Attack *****
Defense **
Speed **
Luck **

Birthday: May 23rd Likes: Mr. Plantegg, Watermelon, Crayons, Bunnies
Dislikes: Mean people, bitter melon, immature pranks, Kel

"The sweet and strong-willed Aubrey stands up for her friends in battle and is their constant source of morale. She carries Mr. Plantegg, her plushie friend and weapon of choice, wherever she goes."


In Headspace, Aubrey wears a light-blue dress and has a pink bow in her hair. She does not wear socks or shoes and her hair and eyes are purple.

In the real world, Aubrey's appearance is significantly different, looking almost nothing like her dream self. She has dyed her hair pink, and now wears a varsity jacket over a crop-top along with a jean skirt. Her eyes are a piercing cyan, and she also wears a similarly colored headband that vaguely resembles bunny ears, as opposed to a ribbon. She is almost always seen carrying her Nail Bat, a baseball bat with nails hammered into it.

Going by both the Photo Album and Memory Lane, her natural hair and eye color are both a dark brown, implying that her eye-color in modern day is due to contact lenses.


In Headspace, Aubrey is very cheerful and is always happy to see Omori, with her dialogue and interactions with him heavily implying that she has a one-sided crush on him. She becomes sad and worried quite easily and is the most anxious of the five characters when Basil goes missing. She has a tense relationship with Kel, arguing with him almost constantly, usually requiring mediation from Hero or Mari to resolve.

In the real world, she has changed significantly since Mari's death. She is cold and hostile to her old friends at the beginning of the game, due to her believing they abandoned her when she needed them most. She is short-tempered and violent, having frequent outbursts. Alongside The Hooligans, which she leads, she bullies Basil, going as far as to steal Basil's photo album. However, this is due to the fact that she believes Basil scribbled out the photos. She also goes to church every week in an attempt to find peace after Mari's death. As the game progresses, she eventually reveals why she stole Basil's photo album and manages to reconcile with Sunny, Kel, and Hero, as well as Basil himself.



Aubrey was born on May 23rd[1] to her unnamed mother and father on the same year as Sunny and Basil. She lived with her parents at their house, though it is suggested that they may have lived in squalor. At some point, she became friends with Basil, whom she would later introduce to Mari, Sunny, Hero, and Kel after they helped her find her lost shoe.

Mari's death, Hero's departure for college, as well as her dad leaving her family caused her to feel angry and isolated. She became upset that her friends had all stopped talking to each other, believing them to have abandoned her. At one point, she is so desperate to reconnect with them that she begs Basil to let her study at his house after school. He reluctantly agrees, but is notably distant and refuses to speak with her. While he is in the bathroom, she looks at his photo album only to find that they had been scribbled out with black marker. Furious, she takes the album and cleans the photos, becoming alienated from Basil and tormenting him.

She then became the leader of the local delinquents, The Hooligans, and spends a majority of her time with them at the beginning of the game.

Normal Route

Three Days Left

Sunny and Kel see Basil begging Kim to tell Aubrey to give him back his photo album at Faraway Park. Kim refuses to help Basil, and Kel confronts her, telling her to leave Basil alone. This causes a commotion at which point Aubrey shows up with her new group of friends: The Hooligans.

Kel tries to reason with Aubrey but she insists on fighting both him and Sunny. Regardless of whether or not Sunny uses the knife during the battle, Aubrey will notice it and become upset, leaving the park with The Hooligans.

Sunny and Kel later find her at the church. Kel pushes her to return the photo album, and says that Mari would be sad to see that they have all stopped being friends. She retaliates, stating that Mari is dead and that after her death they abandoned her. She says that the reason she goes to church every week is that she is still trying to find peace after Mari's death. She becomes angry when Kel mentions that Basil told them she stole the photo album, stating that she is keeping it safe. Kel refuses to believe this, but still apologizes for not being there after Mari's death. Aubrey refuses his apology, and a fight ensues. During the fight, many of the church patrons gossip about Aubrey, implying that she is out of control due to her father leaving her family.

After the fight, Aubrey leaves, and Kel and Sunny see her throwing away the Photo Album. They retrieve it from the trash, but find that some of the photos are missing.

Two Days Left

She and the Hooligans are seen bullying Basil in the secret hangout behind the park. A fight ensues, and The Hooligans leave, leaving Kel, Sunny, Basil, and Aubrey alone. Aubrey is overwhelmed with emotion and angrily questions why they keep coming back into her life. Kel berates her for bullying Basil, and she retaliates by pushing Basil into the lake. After Hero saves Basil, she is regretful of her actions, but the party does not forgive her, not understanding why she is so angry with Basil. She is left alone by the lake.

One Day Left

Aubrey's best friend Kim knocks on Sunny's door and asks him to go check on her because she won't leave her house. All of the hooligans are outside her house and are worried about her. The party enters her house to discover trash scattered everywhere and her mother unresponsive and fixated in front of the TV. They go into her room, angering her, but Hero is able to calm her down. They have a heart-to-heart talk and she makes up with everyone, apologizing to them. They find the missing photos, all of which are pictures of Mari, and she says she took them because it was all she had left of Mari. They put them back in the photo album and she joins the party.

The party reminisces at some spots in town, and then they go visit their old treehouse. She leaves her pink pinwheel in the stump of the tree where Mari was found dead and starts being open with everyone about her feelings.

Then they go to Basil's house and, even though he won't open his door, she apologizes sincerely to him. They all sleep in the living room, with her taking the couch.

True Ending

In the Good Ending, she is seen standing beside Basil's hospital bed alongside everyone.

'Not my problem' Ending

After Basil takes his own life in the neutral ending, Aubrey is shown to feel extreme remorse for her bullying of Basil.

Hikikomori Route

Aubrey cannot be seen at all in the real world during the Hikikomori Route, since Sunny never leaves his house. In Headspace, her character remains the same as in the Normal Route, with some additional dialogue added in the stages of Headspace only unlockable through completing the Headspace Reset.

Stats and Skills


Aubrey's base stats are listed below:

1 35 10 6 3 3 3 0 11 97 32 21 13 13 3 0 21 171 58 42 26 24 3 0 31 238 83 60 38 35 3 0 41 312 114 78 51 46 3 0
2 43 13 8 4 4 3 0 12 105 34 23 14 14 3 0 22 176 59 43 27 25 3 0 32 244 86 62 39 36 3 0 42 324 119 81 53 48 3 0
3 49 15 10 5 5 3 0 13 113 36 24 15 15 3 0 23 182 62 44 28 26 3 0 33 249 87 63 40 37 3 0 43 337 124 84 55 50 3 0
4 55 18 11 6 6 3 0 14 125 41 27 17 16 3 0 24 187 64 45 29 27 3 0 34 256 90 64 41 38 3 0 44 348 129 87 57 52 3 0
5 60 20 12 7 7 3 0 15 130 43 28 18 17 3 0 25 193 66 47 31 29 3 0 35 263 93 65 42 39 3 0 45 360 134 90 59 54 3 0
6 68 22 13 8 8 3 0 16 140 47 32 20 18 3 0 26 200 69 49 32 30 3 0 36 269 95 67 43 40 3 0 46 375 139 94 62 57 3 0
7 75 24 15 9 9 3 0 17 148 50 35 21 19 3 0 27 204 71 50 33 31 3 0 37 275 98 68 44 41 3 0 47 391 144 98 64 59 3 0
8 81 27 17 10 10 3 0 18 154 53 36 22 20 3 0 28 210 73 52 34 32 3 0 38 281 101 70 45 42 3 0 48 407 147 102 66 61 3 0
9 87 29 19 11 11 3 0 19 158 54 37 23 21 3 0 29 221 77 55 36 33 3 0 39 288 104 72 47 43 3 0 49 424 148 106 68 63 3 0
10 93 31 20 12 12 3 0 20 164 56 40 25 23 3 0 30 226 78 56 37 34 3 0 40 300 109 75 49 44 3 0 50 444 150 110 70 65 3 0

Skills have a basic 20% variation in damage (Excepting those with a fixed amount and release Energy).
DEF refers to Enemy's DEF unless stated otherwise.

Pep Talk Turn a friend or foe happy. Costs 5 MP.png. Default
Guard Acts first, reducing damage taken by 50% for 1 turn. No MP.png Cost. Default
Counter Taunts all enemies. If hit by a single target skill, retaliates with a normal attack. Costs 5 MP.png. Level 6
Twirl Deals 2 x ATK + LCK - DEF to a target and makes Aubrey Happy. Costs 10 MP.png. Level 10
Team Spirit Makes Aubrey and her target Happy. Costs 10 MP.png. Level 11
Power Hit Deals 2 x ATK damage to the target, ignoring its defense, as well as decreasing its defense by one tier. Costs 20 MP.png. Level 14
Mood Wrecker Deals 3 x ATK - DEF if the target is any tier of Happy. Does 2.25 x ATK - DEF otherwise. Costs 10 MP.png. Level 17
Wind-up Throw Deals 3 x ATK - DEF if one enemy remains, 2.5 x ATK - DEF if two enemies remain, and otherwise deal 2 x ATK - DEF. Costs 20 MP.png. Level 20
Mash Deals 2.5 x ATK - DEF. If it's a killing blow, restore 100% of Aubrey's Juice. Costs 15 MP.png. Level 23
Beatdown Deals 2 x ATK - DEF to a single target three times. Costs 30 MP.png. Level 27
Last Resort Deals 4 x Aubrey's Current HP to an enemy, but turns Aubrey into Toast. Costs 50 MP.png. Level 30
Headbutt Deals 3 x ATK - DEF if Aubrey is any tier of Angry. Otherwise does 2.5 x ATK - DEF. Damages Aubrey up to 20% of her heart. Costs 5 MP.png. Berly

Bubble look Omori.png Aubrey looks at Omori to grab his attention... Deals [(2 * a.atk + a.luck) - b.def] damage to a random foe. Deals [(3 * a.atk + a.luck) - b.def] damage to a random foe. Deals [3 * a.atk + a.luck] damage to a random foe.
Bubble look Kel.png Aubrey looks at Kel, who eggs her back. Turn Aubrey angry. Turn Aubrey and Kel Angry and increase Aubrey's[2] attack by one tier. Turn Aubrey and Kel Enraged, and increase Aubrey's[2] attack by three tiers.
Bubble look Hero.png Aubrey looks at Hero, who tells her to focus and cheer up! Turn Aubrey happy and increase her defense by one tier. Heals 25% HP.png, turn Aubrey happy, and increases her defense by two tiers.[3] Heals 75% HP.png and 50 MP.png, turns Aubrey ecstatic and increase her defense by three tiers.

Real World

Unlike Headspace, party members in the real world cannot gain experience or level up.

240 22* 22 12 12 5 0*

*Since the Nail Bat cannot be unequipped in normal gameplay, in practice Aubrey will have an attack of 25 and a hitrate of 95.

Faaubreyneutral.gif DESCRIPTION SOURCE
Homerun Deals 4 x ATK - DEF. Damages Aubrey up to 20% of her heart. Costs 25 MP.png. Default
Guard Acts first, reducing damage taken by 50% for 1 turn. No MP.png Cost. Default




Real World

Battle Faces

Real World


Real World

Photo Album

Real World




  • When in the real-world party, Aubrey cannot legitimately feel any emotion, as no enemy in the Recycultist HQ can change the party's emotion, and no items in reality can change her emotion. Despite this, she has portraits for almost every emotion (minus the tier 3 ones).
  • Aubrey's birthday, May 23rd, falls on the 143rd day of the year.
  • Omocat states that Aubrey mirrors their personal expriences, especially their transition from childhood to young adulthood.[4]
  • Her real world appearance were directly inspired by Omocat's own in college, where they had long, dyed hair, wore bomber jackets and headbands


  1. Official OMORI Account confirms that Aubrey's birthday is on May 23rd.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Aubrey and Kel’s interaction only buffs Aubrey’s attack, despite the animation and text suggesting both of them are buffed.
  3. If Aubrey's defense has already been buffed by one tier, her defense is increased by one tier instead of two.