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Lost sprout mole's a creature that can be found at [[Vast forest]] and [[Pyrefly forest]], being the first enemy you fight at the tutorial. An upside down variant named [[Sprout mole?]] can be found in Pyrefly forest.
{{Enemy infobox
| image  = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(neutral).gif
| size    = 200px
| heart  = 42 (Tutorial) <br> 62 ([[Vast Forest]]) <br> 170 ([[Pyrefly Forest]]) <br> 500 (Boss rush)
| juice  = 21 (Tutorial) <br> 31 ([[Vast Forest]]) <br> 75 ([[Pyrefly Forest]]) <br> 200 (Boss rush)
| attack  = 3 (Tutorial) <br> 11 ([[Vast Forest]]) <br> 22 ([[Pyrefly Forest]]) <br> 50 (Boss rush)
| defense = 8 (Tutorial) <br> 8 ([[Vast Forest]]) <br> 10 ([[Pyrefly Forest]]) <br> 50 (Boss rush)
| speed  = 5 (Tutorial) <br> 9 ([[Vast Forest]]) <br> 13 ([[Pyrefly Forest]]) <br> 50 (Boss rush)
| luck    = 5
| drops  = [[Tofu]]
'''Lost Sprout Mole''' is a recurring [[Enemies|enemy]] that can be found within [[Vast Forest]] and [[Pyrefly Forest]], being the first enemy [[Omori]] and his friends fight in the tutorial. An upside-down variant named [[Sprout Mole?]] can be also found in Pyrefly Forest. <br>
With the same appearance of a normal [[Sprout Mole]], the player will encounter several variants with different stats and behaviors, as seen below.

== Battle ==
== Battle ==
In the tutorial, Lost sprout mole's stats are slightly lower, with 42 heart, 21 juice, 3 attack, 8 defense, 5 speed and 5 luck. Like most enemies, it will behave differentely according to its [[Battle system|emotion]]:
=== Tutorial ===
With 42 {{HP}}, 21 {{MP}}, 3 attack, 8 defense, 5 speed and 5 luck, it will behave as follows:
{{Battle infobox
| imagetitle      = EMOTION
| title1          = BEHAVIORS
| title2          = REWARDS
| image1          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(neutral).gif
| descriptionone1 = 35% chance of doing a normal attack.<br><br> 35% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice.
| descriptiontwo1 = Variable rewards
| image2          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(happy).gif
| descriptionone2 = 35% chance of doing a normal attack.<br><br> 35% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice.
| descriptiontwo2 = 1/3 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 18 exp<br><br> 4 {{Clams}} clams
| image3          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(sad).gif
| descriptionone3 = 30% chance of doing a normal attack.<br><br> 50% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice.
| descriptiontwo3 = 1/5 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 14 exp<br><br> 2 {{Clams}} clams
| image4          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(angry).gif
| descriptionone4 = 50% chance of doing a normal attack.<br><br> 20% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice.
| descriptiontwo4 = 1/5 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 22 exp<br><br> 3 {{Clams}} clams

While neutral, it will roll a 35% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 35% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while neutral, it will have 1/3 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]] and reward the player with 18 exp and 4 clams.
Additionally, as seen further into the article, each of the three moles fought during the tutorial have their own dialogues during battle, where Hero explains a little about emotions. Their rewards while neutral will be the same one as of the emotion they started out with.

While happy, it will roll a 35% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 35% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while happy, it will have 1/10 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 18 exp and 4 clams.
=== Vast Forest ===
Here, with 62 {{HP}} heart, 31 {{MP}} juice, 11 attack, 8 defense, 9 speed and 5 luck, it will behave as seen below:
{{Battle infobox
| imagetitle      = EMOTION
| title1          = BEHAVIORS
| title2          = REWARDS
| image1          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(neutral).gif
| descriptionone1 = 55% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 35% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| descriptiontwo1 = 1/10 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 18 exp<br><br> 2 {{Clams}} clams
| image2          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(happy).gif
| descriptionone2 = 35% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 35% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| descriptiontwo2 = 1/5 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 18 exp<br><br> 3 {{Clams}} clams
| image3          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(sad).gif
| descriptionone3 = 30% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 55% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| descriptiontwo3 = 1/10 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 14 exp<br><br> 1 {{Clams}} clams
| image4          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(angry).gif
| descriptionone4 = 60% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 20% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| descriptiontwo4 = 1/10 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 27 exp<br><br> 2 {{Clams}} clams

While sad, it will roll a 30% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 55% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while sad, it will have 1/5 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 14 exp and 2 clams.
=== Pyrefly Forest ===
Here with 170 {{HP}} heart, 75 {{MP}} juice, 22 attack, 10 defense, 13 speed and 5 luck, behaving as follows:
{{Battle infobox
| imagetitle      = EMOTION
| title1          = BEHAVIORS
| title2          = REWARDS
| image1          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(neutral).gif
| descriptionone1 = 65% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 35% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| descriptiontwo1 = 1/5 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 210 exp<br><br> 12 {{Clams}} clams
| image2          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(happy).gif
| descriptionone2 = 35% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 35% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| descriptiontwo2 = 1/3 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 210 exp<br><br> 18 {{Clams}} clams
| image3          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(sad).gif
| descriptionone3 = 30% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 65% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| descriptiontwo3 = 1/5 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 158 exp<br><br> 9 {{Clams}} clams
| image4          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(angry).gif
| descriptionone4 = 50% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 20% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| descriptiontwo4 = 1/5 chance of dropping [[Tofu|tofu]]<br><br> 315 exp<br><br> 12 {{Clams}} clams

While angry, it will roll a 50% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 20% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while angry, it will have 1/5 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 22 exp and 3 clams.
Additionally, this variant will be summoned during the first encounter with the [[King Crawler]]. If killed by the player, it will drop an item, however, if killed by the King Crawler, the player will not receive any reward.

=== Boss Rush ===
During the [[Boss Rush]] fight with King Crawler, a special variant of the Lost Sprout Mole will also show up as summons. This one drops no reward if defeated by the player. This variant has 500 {{HP}} heart, 200 {{MP}} juice, 50 attack, 50 defense, 50 speed and 5 luck with the following behaviour:

In its Vast forest appearance, Lost sprout mole have 62 heart, 31 juice, 11 attack, 8 defense, 9 speed and 5 luck, its behaviour will be:
{{Battle infobox
| imagetitle      = EMOTION
| title1          = BEHAVIORS
| image1          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(neutral).gif
| descriptionone1 = 40% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 35% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| image2          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(happy).gif
| descriptionone2 = 35% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 35% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| image3          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(sad).gif
| descriptionone3 = 30% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 55% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}
| image4          = Lost_Sprout_Mole_(angry).gif
| descriptionone4 = 50% chance of doing a normal attack. {{Observe}}<br><br> 20% chance of doing nothing.<br><br> Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. {{Observe}}

While neutral, it will roll a 55% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 35% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while neutral, it will have 1/10 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 18 exp and 2 clams.
== Formulas ==
''Skills that can be used when observe is used against the target are marked with {{Observe}}.''

While happy, it will roll a 35% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 35% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while happy, it will have 1/5 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 18 exp and 3 clams.
'''Attack''': [2 * a.atk - b.def], with an extra 60% damage when hitting right in the heart. {{Observe}}

While sad, it will roll a 30% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 55% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while sad, it will have 1/10 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 14 exp and 1 clam.
'''Run around''': [1.5 * a.atk - b.def], twice, at a random party member. {{Observe}}

While angry, it will roll a 60% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 20% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while angry, it will have 1/10 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 27 exp and 2 clams.
'''Run around''' (unique to the happy tutorial): [2 * a.atk - b.def], always miss the first hit and always hits right in the heart on the second.

== Battle quotes ==
=== Action quotes ===
* Lost Sprout Mole bumps into [target]!
* Lost Sprout Mole is rolling around.
* Lost Sprout Mole runs around!
* Lost Sprout Mole runs around energetically!
=== Tutorial ===
===== Angry tutorial =====
* Hero: ''Ah! It looks like this Sprout Mole is angry! Like us, Sprout Moles also feel emotions.''
* Hero: ''Since this Sprout Mole is angry, its attack is higher.''
* Hero: ''But on the other hand, it lowers its defense!''
* Aubrey: ''So what you're saying is now is the perfect time to strike! Come on, Omori! Let's do this!''
===== Happy tutorial =====
* Hero: ''Oh! I see... This Sprout Mole is happy!''
* Hero: ''In that case, it has a higher chance to hit our weak spots and do more damage.''
* Hero: ''But this also means it has a higher chance of missing!''
===== Sad tutorial =====
* Hero: ''Hmm... This Sprout Mole seems a bit sad...See how it's curled up in fetal position?''
* Hero: ''That means it won't do as much damage as normal...''
* Hero: ''But it'll also take less damage to heart and will lose juice instead.''
* Kel: ''How sad... Let's put it out of its misery!''

At Pyrefly forest, a stronger version of the Lost sprout mole will be fought, with 170 heart, 75 juice, 22 attack, 10 defense, 13 speed and 5 luck, its behaviour will also be different:
== Foe Facts! ==
A dangerous and hostile ugly plant creature. It says it is smart, but do not believe it. It is not. It smells like dirty laundry.<br>- OMORI

While neutral, it will roll a 65% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 35% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while neutral, it will have 1/5 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 210 exp and 12 clams.
While happy, it will roll a 35% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 35% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while happy, it will have 1/3 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 210 exp and 18 clams.
While sad, it will roll a 30% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 65% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while sad, it will have 1/5 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 158 exp and 9 clams.
While angry, it will roll a 50% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 20% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will RUN AROUND, dealing damage to a random party member twice. If defeated while angry, it will have 1/5 chance of dropping tofu and reward the player with 315 exp and 12 clams.
During the [[Boss rush]] fight with [[King crawler]], a special variant of the Lost sprout mole will also show up as summoning, this one giving no reward if defeated by the player. this variant will have 500 heart, 200 juice, 50 attack, 50 defense, 50 speed and 5 luck. It will also behave differentely:
While neutral, it will roll a 40% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 35% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice.
While happy, it will roll a 35% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 35% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice.
While sad, it will roll a 30% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 55% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice.
While angry, it will roll a 50% chance of doing a normal attack, followed by a 20% chance of doing nothing, if both fail, it will 'run around', dealing damage to a random party member twice.
== Gallery ==
== Gallery ==

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
The four Lost sprout mole that are fought in the beggining of day two are almost identical to the Lost sprout mole found in Vast forest, the only exception are that each of them will drop a [[Show ticket]], and while angry the chance of doing a normal attack are 5% higher.
*The four Lost Sprout Mole that are fought at the beginning of day two are almost identical to the Lost sprout mole found in Vast forest, the only exception are that each of them will drop a [[Show Tickets|show ticket]], and while angry the chance of doing a normal attack are 5% higher.
During the first encounter with King Crawler, it will summon the Pyrefly forest variant of Lost sprout mole, if killed by the player, it will grant its spoils, whatever if killed by King Crawler, the player will not receive any reward.
The tutorial Lost sprout mole uses a different 'run around' skill, that is slightly stronger than the usual 'run around' the other variants use, likely because the player would receive no damage if the original formula was used.


Latest revision as of 05:06, 1 June 2024

Lost Sprout Mole
Lost Sprout Mole (neutral).gif
HP.png heart 42 (Tutorial)
62 (Vast Forest)
170 (Pyrefly Forest)
500 (Boss rush)
MP.png juice 21 (Tutorial)
31 (Vast Forest)
75 (Pyrefly Forest)
200 (Boss rush)
attack 3 (Tutorial)
11 (Vast Forest)
22 (Pyrefly Forest)
50 (Boss rush)
defense 8 (Tutorial)
8 (Vast Forest)
10 (Pyrefly Forest)
50 (Boss rush)
speed 5 (Tutorial)
9 (Vast Forest)
13 (Pyrefly Forest)
50 (Boss rush)
luck 5
drops Tofu

Lost Sprout Mole is a recurring enemy that can be found within Vast Forest and Pyrefly Forest, being the first enemy Omori and his friends fight in the tutorial. An upside-down variant named Sprout Mole? can be also found in Pyrefly Forest.
With the same appearance of a normal Sprout Mole, the player will encounter several variants with different stats and behaviors, as seen below.



With 42 HP.png, 21 MP.png, 3 attack, 8 defense, 5 speed and 5 luck, it will behave as follows:

{{{size1}}} 35% chance of doing a normal attack.

35% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice.
Variable rewards
{{{size2}}} 35% chance of doing a normal attack.

35% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice.
1/3 chance of dropping tofu

18 exp

4 Clams.png clams
{{{size3}}} 30% chance of doing a normal attack.

50% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice.
1/5 chance of dropping tofu

14 exp

2 Clams.png clams
{{{size4}}} 50% chance of doing a normal attack.

20% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice.
1/5 chance of dropping tofu

22 exp

3 Clams.png clams

Additionally, as seen further into the article, each of the three moles fought during the tutorial have their own dialogues during battle, where Hero explains a little about emotions. Their rewards while neutral will be the same one as of the emotion they started out with.

Vast Forest

Here, with 62 HP.png heart, 31 MP.png juice, 11 attack, 8 defense, 9 speed and 5 luck, it will behave as seen below:

{{{size1}}} 55% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

35% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
1/10 chance of dropping tofu

18 exp

2 Clams.png clams
{{{size2}}} 35% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

35% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
1/5 chance of dropping tofu

18 exp

3 Clams.png clams
{{{size3}}} 30% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

55% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
1/10 chance of dropping tofu

14 exp

1 Clams.png clams
{{{size4}}} 60% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

20% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
1/10 chance of dropping tofu

27 exp

2 Clams.png clams

Pyrefly Forest

Here with 170 HP.png heart, 75 MP.png juice, 22 attack, 10 defense, 13 speed and 5 luck, behaving as follows:

{{{size1}}} 65% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

35% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
1/5 chance of dropping tofu

210 exp

12 Clams.png clams
{{{size2}}} 35% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

35% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
1/3 chance of dropping tofu

210 exp

18 Clams.png clams
{{{size3}}} 30% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

65% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
1/5 chance of dropping tofu

158 exp

9 Clams.png clams
{{{size4}}} 50% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

20% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
1/5 chance of dropping tofu

315 exp

12 Clams.png clams

Additionally, this variant will be summoned during the first encounter with the King Crawler. If killed by the player, it will drop an item, however, if killed by the King Crawler, the player will not receive any reward.

Boss Rush

During the Boss Rush fight with King Crawler, a special variant of the Lost Sprout Mole will also show up as summons. This one drops no reward if defeated by the player. This variant has 500 HP.png heart, 200 MP.png juice, 50 attack, 50 defense, 50 speed and 5 luck with the following behaviour:

{{{size1}}} 40% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

35% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
{{{size2}}} 35% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

35% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
{{{size3}}} 30% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

55% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png
{{{size4}}} 50% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

20% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will run around, dealing damage to a random party member twice. Observe.png


Skills that can be used when observe is used against the target are marked with Observe.png.

Attack: [2 * a.atk - b.def], with an extra 60% damage when hitting right in the heart. Observe.png

Run around: [1.5 * a.atk - b.def], twice, at a random party member. Observe.png

Run around (unique to the happy tutorial): [2 * a.atk - b.def], always miss the first hit and always hits right in the heart on the second.

Battle quotes

Action quotes

* Lost Sprout Mole bumps into [target]!
* Lost Sprout Mole is rolling around.
* Lost Sprout Mole runs around!
* Lost Sprout Mole runs around energetically!


Angry tutorial
* Hero: Ah! It looks like this Sprout Mole is angry! Like us, Sprout Moles also feel emotions.
* Hero: Since this Sprout Mole is angry, its attack is higher.
* Hero: But on the other hand, it lowers its defense!
* Aubrey: So what you're saying is now is the perfect time to strike! Come on, Omori! Let's do this!
Happy tutorial
* Hero: Oh! I see... This Sprout Mole is happy!
* Hero: In that case, it has a higher chance to hit our weak spots and do more damage.
* Hero: But this also means it has a higher chance of missing!
Sad tutorial
* Hero: Hmm... This Sprout Mole seems a bit sad...See how it's curled up in fetal position?
* Hero: That means it won't do as much damage as normal...
* Hero: But it'll also take less damage to heart and will lose juice instead.
* Kel: How sad... Let's put it out of its misery!

Foe Facts!

A dangerous and hostile ugly plant creature. It says it is smart, but do not believe it. It is not. It smells like dirty laundry.



  • The four Lost Sprout Mole that are fought at the beginning of day two are almost identical to the Lost sprout mole found in Vast forest, the only exception are that each of them will drop a show ticket, and while angry the chance of doing a normal attack are 5% higher.