Kite Kid (enemy)

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Kite Kid (enemy)
HP.png heart 750 (before epilogue)
8000 (during epilogue)
MP.png juice 375 (before epilogue)
4000 (during epilogue)
attack 24 (before epilogue)
84 (during epilogue)
defense 15 (before epilogue)
68 (during epilogue)
speed 25 (before epilogue)
70 (during epilogue)
luck 10 (before epilogue)
10 (during epilogue)

This article refers to Kite Kid as an enemy, for the character, go to Kite Kid.

Kite Kid is an enemy and an optional mini-boss that can be engaged at the top of the Pinwheel Forest, he will always be accompanied with his trusty Kid's Kite.


There are two variants that can be fought depending on how much the player progress before fighting him.

Before epilogue

{{{size1}}} 75% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, he will brag, turning himself happy.
1000 exp

350 Clams.png clams
{{{size2}}} 100% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png 1000 exp

525 Clams.png clams
{{{size3}}} 75% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, he will brag, turning himself happy.
750 exp

263 Clams.png clams
{{{size4}}} 75% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, he will brag, turning himself happy.
1500 exp

350 Clams.png clams

Additionally, If his kite is ever defeated, he will repair it after some turns, bringing it back to the field. This is an extra action and will be done at the end of the turn.

During epilogue

{{{size1}}} 75% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, he will brag, turning himself happy.
12000 exp

3000 Clams.png clams
{{{size2}}} 100% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png 1200 exp

3500 Clams.png clams
{{{size3}}} 75% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, he will brag, turning himself happy.
10000 exp

2500 Clams.png clams
{{{size4}}} 75% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, he will brag, turning himself happy.
14000 exp

3000 Clams.png clams

Unlike his fight before the epilogue, he will never repair his kite if it was defeated.

Additionally, every turn the wind will change, affecting all the enemy troops in the following ways:

  • If the wind becomes weaker, it will remove all previous buffs (up to tier 3) and speed debuff (up to tier 2) from the target.
  • If the wind becomes steady, it will buff the attack and defense by 2 tiers and debuff the speed by 2 tiers.
  • If the wind becomes raging, it will buff attack, defense and speed by 3 tiers.

Lastly, whenever a new "wind state" is applied, it will retrieve the previous buffs and speed debuff (up to tier 2) from the enemy troops.


Skills that can be used when observe is used against the target are marked with Observe.png.

Attack: [2 * a.atk - b.def] (default). Observe.png

Brag: Turn himself happy.

Repair: Bring his kite back to the battle.

Battle quotes

Action quotes

* Kite Kid throws jacks at [Target]!
* Kite Kid brags about Kid's Kite!
* Kite Kid Tapes up Kid's kite!
* Kid's Kite feels good as new!

Start of battle

  • During epilogue:
* Kite Kid: We are one with the wind!
* Kite Kid: As long as it blows, we are unbeatable!

During battle

  • 25% HP.png:
* Kite Kid: No... This can't be...
* Kite Kid: The wind... It's getting weaker!
  • Before epilogue:
* Kite Kid repairs his Kid's Kite.
  • During epilogue:
* The wind is weak. 
* The wind is steady. 
* The wind is raging. 

When defeated

* Kite Kid: But me and my kite have an unbreakable bond...
* Kite Kid: How could we lose?

When defeating the player

* Kite Kid: Haha! As the wind predicted! Me and my kite are unbeatable.


* Kite Kid repairs his kite. [1]
* Kite Kid: You think you can defeat us? [1]
* Kite Kid: Think again! [1]
* Kite Kid: Let me show you the true power of me and my kite! [2]

Foe Facts!

A mysterious boy obsessed with wind conditions. He is usually seen in the Floating Forest flying his kite and mumbling something about the weather.



  • The fight will always end after defeating Kite kid, the player does not need to defeat the kite to progress.
  • There are different dialogues after defeat if the player fixed the pinwheel near the entrance or not.
  • If the pinwheel is not fixed:
  • Kite Kid: Sigh... I knew it. We can't perform at our full potential without the perfect weather conditions.
  • Kite kid: The wind feels weaker today... Maybe there's something wrong with one of the pinwheels.
  • If the pinwheel is fixed:
  • Kite Kid: Maybe me and my kite should try to fly somewhere else...
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 His "repair" skill would use this action text, as well as two battle text related to it.
  2. Supposedly, it would be used on the first time his kite used "fly 2".