Life Jam Guy (Enemy)

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This article is about the enemy Life Jam Guy. To read about the character see Life Jam Guy

Life Jam Guy is an enemy in OMORI. He is first fought in the Junkyard and then appears in Boss Rush after the battle with Sir Maximus Sir Maximus II and Sir Maximus III. However, when he appears in Boss Rush it is just an opportunity for the player to heal and will provide the player with three Life Jams.


He can be fought in Boss Rush and in Junkyard. If you have not done the demo in Junkyard, he will appear on the third floor of Last Resort where you can also test his demo.

  • First encounter: 9999 HP.png heart, 0 MP.png juice, 1 attack, 15 defense, 1 speed and 10 luck.
  • Boss Rush: 9999 HP.png heart, 0 MP.pngjuice, 1 attack, 999 defense, 1 speed and 10 luck.

Note that even though he has a set amount of HP.png heart, he is invincible, meaning that he cannot be defeated. His first encounter can only be defeated by using the Life Jams he provides you with on all of your party members.

Unlike most enemies, he will not act differently according to his emotion:

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