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Battle Lili.gif
HP.png heart 540
MP.png juice 270
attack 70
defense 70
speed 70
luck 15

Lili is an enemy that can be fought in the Abyss, Lost Library and in Rain Town, and it's known as one of the minor Somethings that can be found on the more obscure places of the dream world. Lili can also be found but not fought in Black Space and Lost Library's inner corridors.


It is immune to emotions, and will behave as follows:

{{{size1}}} 40% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

30% chance of doing nothing.

Else, it will show its sad eyes, decreasing the target's attack.

Additionally, everyone but Omori will start the battle afraid.


Skills that can be used when observe is used against the target are marked with Observe.png.

Attack: [2 * a.atk - b.def] (default). Observe.png

Sad eyes: Decrease the target's attack by one tier.

Battle Quotes

Action quotes

* ??? stares into [target]'s soul!
* Liar.
* [target] saw sadness in ???'s eyes. [target] became reluctant to attack.

When defeated

* ???: [player name]... I'm sorry.


* ??? winks. [1]
* ???'s eye falls off! The eye grow into another ???! [2] 
* Tears well up in ???'s eyes. [3]



  • Like other Something battles, the fight with Lili will not finish with the traditional "reward" ending, the screen will also be darker than normal.
  • Like all minor somethings, Lili's name is hidden from sight, being simply called "???", interestingly, all of these names ends with an "i".
  • Its do nothing skill, named as "liar" is "described" as:
"Just for the little basil in black space Not for Abyss".
  1. For its "do nothing" skill, which is replaced by "liar".
  2. The unused "multiply" skill would call another Lili to the battle.
  3. The unused "cry" skill would turn a target sad.