Roboheart (enemy)

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This article is about Roboheart as an enemy, for the character, go to Roboheart.

Roboheart is an mini-boss that can be fought in Humphrey (location), it's located at the end of the of Molly's hard difficult puzzle, it will only show up after Molly's cutscene with Sweetheart after doing all its puzzles.


It has 2500 HP.png heart, 1250 MP.png juice, 45 attack, 40 defense, 60 speed and 10 luck. Like most enemies, it will act differently according to its emotion:

Emotion Behaviour Rewards
Neutral Roboheart
when below 10% HP.png, it will explode, dealing 10% damage to the party .

35% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

35% chance of doing nothing.

35% chance to blast a laser, dealing high damage to a party member.

Else, it will eat a snack, healing 200 HP.png for herself.

5662 exp.

1331 Clams.png clams.

Happy Roboheart
when below 10% HP.png, it will explode, dealing 10% damage to the party .

30% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

25% chance of doing nothing.

40% chance to blast a laser, dealing high damage to a party member.

Else, it will eat a snack, healing 200 HP.png for herself.

5662 exp.

1997 Clams.png clams.

Sad Roboheart
when below 10% HP.png, it will explode, dealing 10% damage to the party .

30% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

55% chance of doing nothing.

30% chance to blast a laser, dealing high damage to a party member.

Else, it will eat a snack, healing 200 HP.png for herself.

4247 exp.

999 Clams.png clams.

Angry Roboheart
when below 10% HP.png, it will explode, dealing 10% damage to the party .

45% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

35% chance of doing nothing.

55% chance to blast a laser, dealing high damage to a party member.

Else, it will eat a snack, healing 200 HP.png for herself.

8493 exp.

1331 Clams.png clams.


Skills that can be used when observe is used against the target are marked with Observe.png.

Attack: [2 * a.atk - b.def] (default). Observe.png

Laser: [3 * a.atk - bdef].

Snack: [200] self healing.

Explode: [10% b.mhp] (10% of target is maximum HP.png).

Battle Quotes

Action quotes

* Roboheart fires rocket hands!
* Roboheart is buffering...
* Roboheart opens her mouth and fires  laser!
* Roboheart sheds a single robot tear.
* Roboheart explodes!
* Roboheart opens her mouth. A nutritious snack appears!

During battle

  • 75% HP.png:
* Roboheart: TXkgbGlmZSBpcyBzdWZmZXJpbmch
  • 25% HP.png:
* Roboheart: SGVscC4uLiBtZS4uLgo=

When defeated

* Roboheart: V2h5Pw==

When defeating the player

* Roboheart: Tm8sIEkgZGlkbid0IG1lYW4gdG8h



  • All her dialogues can be decoded on base64, her battle dialogue stated above are, following the same order, decoded to:
*My life is suffering!
*Help... me...
*No, I didn't mean to!