Toast Ghost

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Revision as of 19:09, 17 August 2021 by Huultah (talk | contribs)
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Toast Ghost is an enemy that can be found in Orange Oasis.


Toast Ghost has 200 HP.png heart, 999 MP.png juice, 15 attack, 3 defense, 10 speed and 10 luck. Like most enemies, it will behave differently according to its emotion:

Emotion Behaviour Rewards
Neutral Toast Ghost
70% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, It will do nothing.

300 exp.
Happy Toast Ghost
70% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, It will do nothing.

300 exp.
Sad Toast Ghost
60% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, It will do nothing.

225 exp.
AngryToast Ghost
90% chance of doing a normal attack. Observe.png

Else, It will do nothing.

450 exp.


Skills that can be used when observe is used against the target are marked with Observe.png.

Attack: [2 * a.atk - b.def], will never hit right in the heart and will also decrease the target's MP.png by 25%. Observe.png

Battle Quotes

Action quotes

* Toast Ghost phases through [target]. [target] feels tired.
* Toast Ghost makes a spooky noise.
