Rain Area

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The Rain Area

The Rain Area, otherwise known as "Safe Spot", is an area in Black Space. This area is the twelfth area the player can enter in Black Space. This and every room that follows is optional.


This area is open and a lot calmer than many of the other areas. There's many dead trees, some grass and it rains.
There's a path that leads you to a key with a single dandelion underneath it and Stranger, that can be talked to for optional dialogue.

Roughly to the west of the starting area Mari?, a giant head resembling Mari's with a huge brain coming out of the top, can be found and talked to. She will continuously tell Omori to “expand his mind”, most likely a reference to how Sunny needs to learn the truth on the True Route.

Like in the other rooms, collecting the key will spawn red hands that will teleport you back to the Black Space hub.


Stranger: "I miss you, Sunny. You were always someone I could depend on to listen."
Stranger: "My problems... my hopes... my dreams... You knew them all."
Stranger: "So if you're still there... please let my words reach you one more time."

Mari?: "Expand your mind, Omori!"
Mari?: "Expand!"
Mari?: "Expand your mind!"
Mari?: "Expand, Omori!"
Mari?: "Expand..."
Mari?: "Expand..."


  • This area gets called "Safe in the forest" in one of the language files. [1]



  1. Language File "bs_basil_shadow.yaml"