Black Space

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Black Space is a location in OMORI. It serves as a parallel to WHITE SPACE, and harbors SUNNY's repressed fears and memories. The appearance and function of BLACK SPACE differ depending on the ROUTE taken by the player, following either a confined, linear story trajectory or an expansive, non-linear hub that can be accessed after meeting certain criteria.


It is implied that BLACK SPACE lies at the outer bounds of OMORI's HEADSPACE and is slowly trickling further inwards. KITE KID describes BLACK SPACE as a "DARK VOID" in the sky. HEADSPACE inhabitants who stay too long in BLACK SPACE transform into disfigured SOMETHINGs.[1]


In the TRUE ROUTE, OMORI enters BLACK SPACE through a void hole in BASIL's house after solving the HANGMAN sentence. While WHITE SPACE was used by OMORI to repress SOMETHING from SUNNY's mind, BLACK SPACE does the opposite; OMORI is haunted by SOMETHING and Shadow BASIL throughout his exploration of the many doors and areas that inhabit BLACK SPACE. Each door leads to a different personification of OMORI's fears and memories, twisted through a grim lens.


After fully completing the HANGMAN'S GAMBIT, OMORI can access BLACK SPACE at any time using his laptop in WHITE SPACE. This second variation of BLACK SPACE, often dubbed as BLACK SPACE 2, acts as a hub connecting to several different rooms, which in turn branch into several deeper pathways. As OMORI begins exploring BLACK SPACE 2, interactions start causing permanent alterations to other parts of his DREAM WORLD.



In regular BLACK SPACE, the areas you go through are entirely linear. Once you find a world's key, RED HANDs will spawn that will take you back to BLACK SPACE. You cannot revisit the area once this happens. It does not matter what doors you choose, as you will always visit these exact rooms in succession:




STRANGER: Behind these doors lie rooms made of scattered fragments, forever changing. If you are lost, you need not worry. The red hands will guide you... and... the form you've taken... it cannot die here.

STRANGER: Without KEYS of our own, we are forced to wander endlessly here. These doors will not open for us. We are not as fortunate as you.

STRANGER: Has the flower boy lost his way? Here to save him again? How fortunate for him...

STRANGER: With great power comes great burden... for yourself... and for the people closest to you. Who are you protecting... and is it worth it?

STRANGER: You have hidden yourself away again. Hopes, dreams, aspirations... do they mean nothing to you?

STRANGER: I deeply wish that your friend's soul is born uncorrupted. We know too well what fate will befall him otherwise.

STRANGER: The truth is difficult for you. In the past, it has caused you to stray to your destructive form. Your current form subdues that... and although it is also evil... it may still be the better of the two.

STRANGER: Redemption is hidden among one of these doors... but it will never open for you in that form. You will have to find another way in.

STRANGER: Something was taken from here a long time ago... Where did you hide it? Only you know where it is now.

STRANGER: You may not be in control now... but do not lose hope, DREAMER. There are some who still believe in you.

STRANGER: Please have mercy, DREAMER. The souls born here may never materialize, but their screams still echo through the ground.

STRANGER: This place has changed a great deal since you were last here. Will you be able to find your way back, or will you finally lose yourself?

STRANGER: Why must you take that cursed form? It is indeed strong and can protect you... but if you rely on it too often... What you will sacrifice can never be reclaimed.

STRANGER: The flower boy who is closest to the truth... whose eyes glow an eerie red. I have seen what you've done to him before... and pray that you don't find him again.


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  • BLACK SPACE seems to heavily represent/take inspiration from Yume Nikki, both in layout and how randomly generated some areas seem to be.
  1. "Common SOMETHINGs are Dream World NPCs that have stayed in BLACK SPACE for a long time." - Developer commentary in `dreamworld_extras_blackspace.HERO`